


Mobile UVC
Permanent UVC
Electrostatic Fogging
HVAC Applications



Disinfect CA

How Viruses Spread

Transmission through breathing infected air, touching infected surfaces, and touching your face all contribute to the spread of the virus. This causes businesses to close, destroying consumer confidence.

The main vector of transmission from person to person comes from close contact (within 6 feet) via very small respiratory droplets produced when an infected coughs or sneezes. These droplets remain airborne and land on products and surfaces.

Mobile UVC

Most companies only offer chemical answers with possible certifications in water damage restoration or carpet cleaning. 

DisinfectCA is specifically certified in Covid-19 disinfection and provides sustainable solutions thus removing liability and giving you and your customers peace of mind. 

Safe and powerful hospital grade UVC light towers attack the deadly virus at the molecular level. Doses of UVC irradiation at the 253.7nm wavelengths cause irreparable damage to the virus at the DNA/RNA level by breaking the chains linking the DNA strands thus destroying the very organism.

UVC lighting systems have been used for decades in hospitals, manufacturing, and water treatment facilities. They are a safe, chemical free way to assure a ‘safe space’ for employees and customers.

Disinfect CA


Disinfect CA

Permanent UVC 

Our engineered permanent installations allow facilities to use the power of two types of UVC lights to disinfect areas, counters, furniture and most every surface like metals, plastics and electronics, safely without tho constant application of chemical agents. 

Engineering these permanent solutions takes into account the size of the area, distance. intensity, shape and contents of the disinfection zone.

We automate the lights to eradicate viruses while the areas are unoccupied and shut down when approached. We continue our innovation through the use of Far-UVC technology that allows us to create safe spaces that disinfect while occupied. 

We extend the safe spaces by turning normal air conditioning systems into HVAC disinfection machines scrubbing airborne viruses, mold and bacterial threats from the air 24/7. 




Safe EPA/CDC/FDA Botanicals deployed by specialised fogging equipment gives us the power to destroy this silent enemy.

Our unique sustainable UVC solutions are complemented by a more conventional approach to creating safe spaces for your employees and customers to enjoy. Botanical disinfectants am applied to surface areas in the form of a 8-40 micron sized fog or mist as a method used routinely in the food & health industries. The purpose is to create and disperse a disinfectant aerosol to reduce the number of airborne microorganisms and also to apply disinfectant to surfaces that may be difficult to reach. 

Fogging is achieved using either electrostatically charged particles that surround objects and cling or purpose-built systems like thermal foggers to effectively eradicate viral. bacterial and mold threats. Fogging/misting allows us to treat contact areas in safe effective way and often removes odors. This process is also safe to use on common plastics. metals fabrics. electronics and food preparation areas as they are FDA approved. The process is almost dry to the touch upon application and must remain on surfaces for 20 minutes to achieve its effective log (disinfectant) test results. 

Disinfect CA

Get “Safe Space” Certified!

Phone: (855) 577-7500